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ACT Fire & Rescue is currently on scene at a burst water main in Holt. Starke Street is closed near the intersection of Southern Cross Drive. Traffic is being...
ACT Ambulance Service (ACTAS) and ACT Fire & Rescue (ACTF&R) have left the scene of the two-car motor vehicle incident on the Monaro Highway between the Johnson...
ACT Ambulance Service (ACTAS), ACT Fire & Rescue (ACTF&R) and ACT Policing are currently on scene at motor vehicle incident involving two cars on the Monaro...
ACT Ambulance Service (ACTAS), ACT Fire & Rescue and ACT Policing crews have departed from the scene of a two-car motor vehicle incident at the intersection of...
ACT Ambulance Service (ACTAS), ACT Fire & Rescue (ACTF&R) and ACT Policing crews are responding to a motor vehicle incident involving two cars at the...