On 13 September 2024, the ACT Government assumed a caretaker role, with an election to be held 19 October 2024. Information on this website will be published in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions until after the election and conclusion of the caretaker period.
In a life threatening emergency dial Triple Zero (000)
ACT Ambulance Service intensive care paramedics are on board the Snowy Hydro SouthCare helicopter on its way to rescue an injured bush walker in Tidbinbilla Nature...
Approximately 350 have been safely evacuated from Hughes Primary School following reports of smoke in the building.
The ACT Fire Brigade responded with multiple...
Firefighters have arrived on scene at Ammon Place, Kambah, to find a boat in the front yard of the property has been destroyed by fire. Parts of a car were also damaged...
The ACT Fire Brigade is responding to reports of a boat well alight in the front yard of a residential address in Ammon Place, Kambah.
Initial triple zero (000) call...
Firefighters expect to remain on scene for several hours damping down and checking for hot spots.
The cause will be investigated.
The initial damage estimate is...
Firefighters have now contained the fire while the roof of the property has partially collapsed.
Bronto aerial firefighting platform now also deployed by the...
The fire has spread into the roof space of the large house.
Firefighters are battling to control the blaze which is producing thick smoke.
Occupants of the home safely...
The house is fully engulfed in fire.
Four fire pumpers on the scene so far along with BA van and DO.
Brigade alerted to fire by multiple emergency triple zero calls.