The ACT bushfire season has been pushed back from its traditional start date of 1 October to 1 November 2022 due to the ongoing wet conditions and confirmed La Nina event.
Increased rainfall in recent months means the ACT is expecting below-normal fire potential and a reduced overall threat this year. Earlier in the week, the Bureau of Metrology declared the third La Niña event in a row.
During the warmer months, there is always a risk a grass or bushfire could occur. It only takes a few days of warmer weather and increased sunshine to dry out grassland.
We’re ready when Canberra prepares together. Download your Survival Plan from the ACT Emergency Services Agency website today – www.esa.act.gov.au/Survival-Plan
Rural landholders can continue undertaking private hazard reduction burns without a fire permit. Permits will be required from 1 November 2022 and throughout the official bushfire season.